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Evec News update


TOPICS : 2016-07-20
Evec has started offering several contract services.
contract service
TOPICS : 2014-07-17
Our anti-MPV Abs, EV046120 and EV046135, have high neutralization activities not only for MPV but also for RSV.
TOPICS : 2014-06-20
Monoclonal Abs that we have generated are those for Cytomegalovirus, Clostridium difficile, RS virus, human Metapneumovirus (hMPV) and high mobility group box 1 (HMGB1). We are seeking for pharmaceutical companies who could develop these Abs toward pharmaceuticals. Please contact info@evec.jp.
please click here
TOPICS : 2011-09-05
Evec signed the contract with Astellas Pharma Inc. , licensing one antibody for commercial development.
Astellas Pharma Inc.
TOPICS : 2010-01-22
Kenzo Takada, MD, PhD received the Hokkaido Science and Technology Award.
TOPICS : 2008-09-30
Evec signed the contract with Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH (Germany), licensing one kind of antibody for commercial development.

Introduction of Evec business

Evec develops fully human antibodies with high affinity and less side effect, and provides them to companies seeking for antibody medicine, and jointly pursue further antibody development with allied partners.

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Advantage of Evec

Evec devised the technique, independent from the costly Western patents, to develop fully human antibodies from blood B lymphocytes, responsible for humoral immunity in human body.

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  • We are seeking Alliance partners
  • Inquiries by the media and press
  • EVEC, Inc.
    Sapporo-Tokeidai Bldg 3F,
    N1 W2,Chuo-ku,Sapporo
    Postal code 060-0001
  • Minister Award for Science, Technology and Innovation Policy of Japan